Zach, take two!! On the day of the St. Peter’s Village shoot, his girlfriend and another good friend were not able to be there, so we scheduled a second shoot. This time, we wanted a different vibe, so we headed to downtown West Chester, one of my favorite places. What I love about photographing there is the spontaneity and experience it allows. I have my go-to spots, for sure, but along the way we wander together and whenever one of us sees something intriguing, we stop and test it out.
With these three, we were looking for a certain alley I like, but, given my sense of direction, were having trouble finding. This turned out to be a fantastic thing, because in our searching, we stumbled upon amazing spot after amazing spot that I’d never come across before in all of my trips downtown. In the process, we laughed, joked, and had a super-fun time. We never did find that alley, but given what we did find, I can’t say that I’m upset about it!